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my diary

博恩的空间作者:博恩 [我的文集]
来源:雅赋网 时间:2015-11-20 12:23 阅读:197次   我要投稿   作品点评

This is choice is a new chance.

Time and chance never wait for anybody.

As the same,

Unless you try to do something beyond

What you have already mastered,

You will never grow.

The way will be so hard on the choice that we have known.

Just only face them head on,

That’s when we find out just

How strong we really are.

For my new work,

The only way and the best way

to achieve a goal is to devote 100% of my time and energy to it.

So i have not my private time to have a chat on internet.

I still insist : insanity is you can doing the same thing

Over and over again and expecting different results.

I am what i am .



    所有关于my diary的感言
    • 探险是人生的品味 2015-11-20 评论


    • 博恩 2015-11-21 评论
