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Unforgettable friend

染晗陌的空间作者:染晗陌💫 [我的文集] [QQ空间]在会员中心“详细资料”填写QQ即显空间链接
来源:雅赋网 时间:2015-06-28 12:35 阅读:6222次   我要投稿   作品点评

Betty,the friend who I met in the elementary school is my best friend as it used to be , I still cherish the enjoyable and unforgettable time and our friendship to this day. Despite we are separated from each other for the time being, I can revisit the bittersweet memories at any time, that's enough .

As far as I'm concerned, she used to be keen on reading, especially novels------she was crazy in reading so much that she almost forgot to have meals or stayed up all night. There seemed to be a private library her house, which belonged to her.

Few years ago, Betty played various and important roles in my life , such as a teacher , an elder sister , a close friend and so on . She often kept an eye on my daily life , even looked over my shoulder so that I wouldn't do harm to others or myself . When I did something wrong , she got tempered and threatened me:"There will soon be something new in your life." referring to her temper . Her stubbornness leaves a profound impression on me . Once she made up her mind , she was as stubborn as a mule , few people were strong-minded enough to persuade her.

After our graduation , we gradually lose tough with each other . If we were both in the same college , the life would change for the better .内容来源:雅赋网(www.yafu.me)原文网址:https://www.yafu.me/a/201506/71716.html



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    1# 若惜 2015-06-30 发表
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